Thursday, October 29, 2015

Boaty's Post #8: Involving the Father in Child Care

 This week in class we talked about the importance of including the husband/father with the baby. I never really knew ways before how I could do this when my husband and I start our family. As I learned about the studies and counsel on this topic this is what I learned:

How can wives include and involve their husbands before, during, and after the birth of their child? These are fifteen things I have thought about and I hope to follow them when my husband and I are expecting our first child.

Before the birth:
1. Involve him in the prenatal visits.
2. Let him feel the baby’s progression in movements. (like kicking, moving, etc.)
3. Choose a baby name together and then pray about it side-by-side.
4. Go shopping for everything the baby needs together. (room decorations, clothing, etc.)
5. Research baby development and prenatal nutrition together. Eat healthy meals together.

During the birth:
6. Let him be the only family member in the room during delivery. Take that time to bond with him.
7. Allow him to hold the baby first and bond with his new son or daughter.
8. Allow him to choose if he wants to hold your hand or be involved with the nurses.
9. Give him the chance to spend time with you and the baby alone for a time before letting other family members to visit.
10. Allow him to give comfort and encouragement during the delivery.

After the birth:
11. Give him responsibilities and allow him to help with the baby.
12. Trust him to take care and watch the baby alone.
13. Involve him in the everyday routine with the baby.
14. Let him take over bedtime and other activities with the baby.
15. Allow him to comfort the baby in his own style and let him find personal ways to connect with the baby.

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