Thursday, October 15, 2015

Boaty's Post #5- An experience that stregthened my love for family

Today in my family relations class we talked about same gender attraction. Our teacher told us of a convention that was held on the morality of this issue. A gay activist stated that, "two gay men together do not effect women and therefore there should not be a debate." Then the concluding speaker, a renounced psychologist and woman, stood and boldly said, "for every gay couple there are two women that will never get the chance to be married or become mothers." This hit me hard. I am a wife. I could not imagine my life without my wonderful eternal companion James. I love him and look forward to when we will be blessed to become parents together. It saddens me that society is starting to believe that the God given and ordained family is obsolete. I am not trying to attack those men who believe they are gay. It applies to two women creating a union too. As a result two men will not have the ability to become husbands and fathers. I believe that marriage is from above. From a loving Father in Heaven. This is my testimony. I know that some may disagree and say I am just a "homophobic." If that is what they choose to think of me, so be it. I love God and I choose to stand and testify with love in my heart that I support the traditional family and its role in the Plan of Salvation and Happiness.

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