Saturday, October 3, 2015

Boaty's Post #3: Defending the Divine Sanctity of Traditional Marriage

This week in my class I was asked to make a list of why I feel we should keep marriage between a man and a woman. These are the points I felt to write:

1.     God created marriage and designed it to be between a man and a woman. Marriage is not man-made and should therefore not be allowed to be redefined by the government.

2.     The Plan of Salvation is centered on the family, without it there is no plan.

3.     Men are designed to be the main providers while women are designed to be the main nurturers. Without the other, certain God-given traits are lost in the home and posterity.

4.     Our spirits had genders before this life and our physical bodies reflect that. If we destroy the definition of gender, we destroy our divine destiny and purpose.

5.     The highest covenant made in the temple is celestial marriage. In this we need a man and a woman, without that we cannot return to the full glory of our Father in Heaven.

6.     Children will be given a clearer understanding of puberty and its purpose with their same gender parent. They will be less likely to be ashamed/depressed of their body if they are taught the how to endure puberty by the same gender parent. (Two men cannot explain to a little girl what a period is and what to expect from it.)

7.      Children can only be created through the union of a man and a woman. There is no physical or spiritual way the union of two men and two women can create a new child.

8.     Marriage is a union created to benefit and build society. It was not created solely for love.

9.     Men and women are given different talents and gifts that complement each other in a way no two men or two women together could match.

10. Children are best raised in the home of a loving mother and father because they receive perspective and guidance from parents of both genders. Different genders will have different experiences to share. 

The point I want to emphasize most is that children cannot be born between those of the same gender. Without the union of a man and a woman our culture, traditions, and ethics will die. We need to create and raise a new generation to carry on our marriage and family values. There will be less freedom, less variety, and less strength in our society if we do not have children.

I value my ability and blessing to one day become a mother. I love my God for blessing me to be a woman. I take great pride and gratitude in knowing that one day I will be a mother. I look forward with hope and love to the time when I can hold my child in my arms and teach him or her our families values. My greatest dream in embracing motherhood will be passing down the things I love the most to my dear children.


  1. That's an awesome list you put together and I agree with every single one!

    1. Thanks James! Feel free to add your own thoughts and other points you may think of. I would love to hear what you may think of that I did not list.
