Saturday, November 21, 2015

Boaty's Post #10: Communication, communication, communication

That is what I want to post on this week. Communication is weaning in families and marriages. We have become so easily offended and self-entitled that we usually never try to fix our misunderstandings. If I get frustrated at my husband my first thought is, "Excuse me?!" ( in an angry sassy tone)

But something I have learned this week is that we all miscommunicate to each other! Therefore the logical conclusion would be to just be tolerant and patient with one another. Instead of hastening to negative conclusions maybe we should take a step back, breath, and think, "What can I ask to check my understanding and seek clarity in humility."

To strengthen our families and marriages it is vital that we seek to communicate lovingly and effectively with one another.

Try it! I challenge you to seek for understanding this week rather that letting something go that you do not understand.

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