Saturday, September 26, 2015

Boaty's post # 2: The Dangers of Divorce

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I believe in the family! (Although I am a firm believer of the Mormon religion, I want to make known that I am not intending to represent or speak for the entire church. These posts consist of my personal testimony and values.) I believe that family members should be loved and respected. I believe when this happens families and marriages will be strengthened.

In my opinion divorce is a word that is used way too casually and often in our society. Decades ago if you said the "d-word" it was shamed and reviled. Now days it is a common word and action used to break marital ties that will always have a negative effect on those who are involved. Even when it is for a "good cause." Do I believe there are some appropriate reasons for divorce? Yes, but they are the extremes. I think people today have made the meaning of divorce so accessible and casual that it is being used as the first choice rather than the last resort.

Elder Dallin Oaks in his talk entitled "Divorce" stated that the real solution to marital discord and distancing is repentance. I agree with this statement with all my soul. From what I have seen in the world many couples divorce because of lying, cheating (this includes pornography!), "falling out of love" because of a spouses lack of affection, and other difficulties. Are these things hard to forgive and forget? Yes, but in almost all cases they are fixable. Repentance is a real power given to us by a loving Heavenly Father and Savior. Use it! It could save your marriage and family.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Boaty's Post #1

Hello loved family and friends. Also, welcome to any visitors I may not know yet. My name is Ashley Boatman. Just so you know a little about myself, I am a young wife living near the college I attend with my husband, James. We were married one month ago to the day in the San Diego California Temple. I love being married and look forward to many more amazing years with my eternal companion.

I love cooking, eating, drawing, reading, and sleeping. My husband and I also enjoy going to the gym together, which means he works out and I spend the entire time trying to catch up to his pace. Another hobby of mine is singing, but you will rarely hear me singing anywhere beside my home and church. This is due to my kindness and care for your well being and ability to hear again.

Anyways, I have created this blog along with a class I am taking in college. In this course I will learn about current research concerning marriage, the family, and the world's status in these areas. I love what I am studying and hope you will too as I share my insights, promptings, and findings in what I learn.